Restocking Winter 2013

Yesterday morning say the introduction of 200 8 inch mirror carp to one of our waters. These fish have been purchased using the money generated from our fishing matches and a size-able donation a very generous member who has been unable to attend our matches. We will publicise where these fish have been stocked in the new year, once they have had time to acclimatise.

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The new fish have come from Hampton Springs Fishery in Shropshire, and are expected to grow to 2lb by the end of summer 2014 and 5lb by the end of summer 2015.
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We also have a large order of Rudd to be delivered at the end of March 2014 for the Old River Irwell in Irlam to boost numbers of silver fish (and to make fishing easier for junior anglers)

Hopefully, we will be able to bring you pictures of another 10,000 roach, chub and dace being stocked into the River Irwell between now and Christmas as the EA fish farm releases another quota of fish for the Irwell system.

Since the inception of the Salford Friendly Restocking Fund in January 2010, we have now stocked
10,000+ roach into Drinkwater Park
2,000 Crucian Carp into Drinkwater Park
3,500 Bream into the Old River Irwell in Irlam
500 tench into the Old River Irwell in Irlam
And played a role in the restocking of
500 Barbel into the River Irwell
20,000 roach, chub and dace into the River Irwell

Many thanks to all our members who have supported our restocking fund.


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