The sun shone, we litter picked, cut back over grown willow, cleared pegs and generally got stuck in.
Before and after
The area behind the pub was the worst affected area – all the pegs were spotlessly clean – a credit to our members who have been fishing the Old River during the winter months.
John and Adam took to the water and litter picked the far bank of the lake, at the same time litter picking the lost lures from the floating islands. If you spot on of yours in the pic below, you now have to opportunity to get it back by buying a raffle ticket at our next club meeting. You have to be in it to win it 😛
We gave the willow a good seeing to, re-opening up a good few pegs
With everyone lending a hand
A good haul for the day
And the righteous reaped their reward on the dot of opening time
We will be holding another work party (ecological/habitat based) on the 11th April when we continue our “greening the river” project in the Bury/Heywood area. Further details will be available shortly on the next club update email, and then pn our facebook page.
Many thanks to everyone who gave up a couple of hours of their time this morning, it was very much appreciated.
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