Thursday Evening Matches Old River Irlam Summer 2021

The club have decided to hold a series of Thursday evening matches on a fortnightly basis through summer 2021 at the Old River in Irlam M44 6DN.

These matches are open to anglers of all ages and ability – we are quite relaxed and the matches are run so we can all have some fun.

Draws will initially be at 5pm with fishing from 5.30pm until 8.30pm.

As daylight starts to last longer – the draw will move to 5.30pm and we will fish from 6pm until 9pm.

£10 to enter each match for adults.

£2 for under 18s.

You can book on to each match via our facebook page

If you don’t have facebook — you are welcome to turn up on the evening and we will find room for you.

We will also run a points based “King of the Old River” competition – — where each match – points will be awarded depending on where you finish – the angler with the lowest number of points across 8 matches will be crowned “King of the Old River” winning a trophy and cash prize.


Thursday 28th April – draw 5pm fish 5.30pm to 8.30pm

Thursday 6th May – draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 20th May – draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 3rd June draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 17th June draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 1st July draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 15th July draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 29th July draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 12th August draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 26th August draw 5.30pm fish 6pm – 9pm

Thursday 9th September draw 5pm fish 5.30pm to 8.30pm

Thursday 23rd September draw 5pm fish 5.30pm to 8.30pm


Old River Match Result 14th Sept 2019

We held another match on the Old River in Irlam today

Only a few anglers found the fish

1st Tony Shep 10lb 5oz – 3 lovely tench

2nd Pete Kay 2lb 5oz – a net of roach and small skimmers

We raised £30 for the restocking fund

Many thanks to Mike Donigan of Monton Bait & Tackle who donated a £10 tackle voucher for the winning angler.


We had planned to hold two further matches in September at Drinkwater Park and The River Irwell in Salford…. sadly both of these events have been cancelled. We will be announcing more fishing matches for October, November and December very soon.

Match photos below

Old River Match Record Broken

We held a match on the Old River Irwell in Irlam this evening to have some fun and raise funds for the Friendly Anglers Fund

1st Chris Fletcher – 16lb 12oz (5 tench) a new match record !

2nd Gregg Garbett – 6lb 8oz (2 tench plus bits)

3rd Paul Nelson – 6lb (2 tench)

4th Mike Duddy – 1lb 12oz (1 tench)

5th Mike Clare – 1lb 10oz

6th Mike Cootes – 1lb 9oz

7th Brian Donaghy – DNW

Well done Chris – you smashed it this evening

A really encouraging set of weights with fish being caught all over the lake…. great news that the Old River is in full recovery mode after the big pollution event of a few years ago.

We are holding another match on Saturday evening the 17th August – draw 4pm fish until dusk – £10 all in.

Please book on in advance by sending £10 to via paypal

Plenty of room for everyone – lots of fish coming out, and good company

The new total raised for our Friendly Anglers Fund now stands at £275..

If you can’t make it to one of our fishing matches and would like to donate to The Friendly Anglers Fund…. you can do so by sponsoring 4 of our club members in the 13 Arches Half Marathon via this link 


Restocking Our Waters

We’ve put together a few clips of us restocking our clubs waters……

Enjoy the fishing….. take your children/grandchildren with you – its your duty as an angler and as a good parent

Take you litter home with you when you’re finished

Christmas Fish In 2018

We are holding our annual Christmas Fish In / social event on Saturday 29th December 2018 and would be delighted if you decide to come down and fish, or just come say hello for a drink and a chat.

Venue – Old River Irwell – Ferry Road, Irlam M44 6DN – free parking in the Boathouse Pub car park.

Most anglers will be trying to catch some of the superb pike which live in the Old River – but a couple of others including club chairman Mike Duddy will be trying to build a net of silver fish on bread punch.

The day will start at first light – and finish when it goes dark (or we get fed up and go to warm up in the pub)

We will have a lovely bottle of Cognac to share, and help make the conversations flow.

Please come and join us – and be a part of our Friendly Society.

Old River Irlam Pike Fish In

Salford Friendly Chat Juice

Old river Pike fishing is great – we always manage to catch a few

Salford Friendly Christmas Social

Salford Friendly Christmas Fish In Social

Old River Irwell Pike

Old River Irwell Pike



Club Update August 2018

We’ve had a great summer 2018 with all our waters fishing well.

There have been the usual issues to deal with – litter, low water levels on Drinkwater Park Lake, and on the River Irwell caused by the long hot summer – but this hot weather has resulted in fantastic amounts of fish fry in all venues.

Remember the long hot summer of 76 and then how great the fishing was in the following years ? lets hope we get a repeat of this and our fish stocks go from strength to strength.

We have some good news – an agreement with Bury Council confirming our fishing rights on the River Irwell and Roch at Springwater Park in Whitefield (that includes the weeded up Springwater Lodge) and the opposite bank at Close Park. Really great water that offers a variety of fishing and species.

We have also taken on the fishing at Broughton Park Lake (also known as Clowes Park) postcode M7 4EN – in a joint venture with Broughton Angling Club – we restocked the lake earlier this year with 500 x 6 inch tench and 80 x 1-2lb carp. The tench arent showing yet but the carp are packing on weight coming out at nearly 4lb already. The venue is in desperate need of a good tidy up (years and years of rubbish) and a work party is going to be announced very soon.


The Old River in Irlam is also fishing tremendously well – the carp which were stocked at 2-3lb last spring are now being caught at 8lb. The tench and bream which we have been stocking over the last 4 years are now showing in anglers catches and there is evidence that these fish are also breeding.

The Quays continues to throw up specimen fish of all species but the Rochdale Canal has fished poorly this summer with frequent lowering of water levels and repeated pollution incidents.

The club is continually being offered new waters to take on – but we are reluctant to do so – as managing our current portfolio of waters is proving hard work. (However it looks increasingly likely after a tremendous response from local anglers that we will take on Gregsons Pond in Irlam)

To this end – we have asked members to form management groups for each water we have – to take the pressure of the club committee. Once we have a better managment group for our venues we will start accepting more waters into our portfolio


So far we’ve had a tremendous response with a number of anglers offering to take an active role in managing their favourite venues.

If you would like to help keeping your local water clean tidy, well maintained and well stocked please get in touch and tell us which venue you are interested in – preferably attend our next club meeting which will be held on Weds 19th September at the Boathouse Pub Irlam M44 6DN

Rochdale Canal

Old River + Gregsons Pond

Salford Quays

River Irwell – Springwater/Close Park

River Irwell – Agecroft/Philips Park

River Irwell – Salford Uni/Peel Park

River Irwell – City Centre to Salford Quays

Broughton Park Lake

Drinkwater Park/Waterdale/Kingfisher

Agecroft Pond

All we ask is for a fortnightly visit to litter pick, and keep a general eye on the venue – plus a report back to club meetings to allow us to develop a better management plan for each venue.

River Care


Restocking The Old River

Over the last 18 months we have been making a big effort to improve the fishing on the Old River Irwell in Irlam.

In addition to renovating/replacing most of the pegs – we have been hunting down grants and other sources of funding to spend on fish.

Our original restocking during 2013/14/15 saw us stocking nearly 4500 bream, 1000 rudd, 1800 roach and 500 fingerling tench.

This seemed to make little to zero impression on catch returns – as they were a mere drop in the ocean in comparison to the area of the lake.

Fast forwards to spring 2016 and a fantasticly generous grant from The Hamilton Davies Trust saw us changing our restocking policy and instead of stocking large numbers of small fish, we decided to go for lower numbers of bigger (more expensive) fish. So using the grant from HDT we bought 350 x 1lb tench.

Cracking new tench for the Old River Irwell in Irlam

Cracking new tench for the Old River Irwell in Irlam

It took 10 trips with the bin to and from the pick up truck - great to see so many big fish being stocked

It took 10 trips with the bin to and from the pick up truck – great to see so many big fish being stocked

We then spent the rest of the year improving pegs and building access steps.

This winter, we have stocked 75 2lb+ common and mirror carp – see video below

And then followed this up with another 15o tench between 10 inches and 2lb see videos below

At long last – anglers are now beginning to enjoy great sport again on the Old River – go down give it a try and then tell us how you get on.

Vote For Fish !

It’s voting time again – please click this link to the Salford Council Recycle and Reward Scheme  and vote for Salford Friendly Anglers Society.

If we get enough votes – then we can get £1,000 to purchase fish for the Old River in Irlam

tench6 re-stocking tench tench3

It took 10 trips with the bin to and from the pick up truck - great to see so many big fish being stocked

Old River Match Result 18th August 2016

The Old River – the fishing enigma

10 anglers fished – the weather was perfect – the fishing wasn’t

Congratulations to

1st Alan Baguley 1lb 4oz (1 big eel 2 small roach on red maggot)

2nd Karl Tucker 1lb 3oz (20+ small roach on maggot up in the water)

Most other anglers caught a few small fish for a couple of ounces with only a few (including mine) dry nets.


Old Riv Eel1Old Riv Eel

Where are the tench that we stocked ??? Where are the skimmers we saw spawning earlier this year ?? Where are the bigger roach ??

The Old River throws up lots of questions but gives few answers……..