Cash And Tackle Prize Fund Over £600 to winners
1St Prize £100 cash plus Rod & Reel Value £300 from
Plus other Favorite Fishing tackle prizes down to 10th place
Total prize fund value over £800 !!!
£20 Entry
Plenty signed on already – anyone who wants to fish can pay on the day
click this link to see area competitors are allowed to fish
Entry to the competition will cost £20.00 per person – payable in advance via paypal to or via cheque to our office Salford Friendly Anglers Soc, Innovation Forum, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6FP .
- Fishing is with lures only.
- Draw 9.00am outside Beefeater Pub – Ontario Quay – Salford Quays – M50 3SQ
- Fishing from 9.30am until 4.30pm – all anglers need to have returned to the Beefeater Pub for adjudication by 4.30pm
- Winner decided by total length of fish
- Fish to me measured from tip of mouth to tip of tail
- All anglers must have AND USE landing net and unhooking mat
- Even though you are fishing this competition as an individual – you will be allocated a fishing partner on the morning of the match – whom you will accompany all day – your fishing partner will verify your catch report – on the catch report sheet provided at the draw
- You must measure each fish you catch on the measure provided, and this catch must be verified by your fishing partner – and recorded on your mobile phone camera, or other digital device.
- You must remain within 10 metres of your partner whilst fishing
- You must not fish closer than 10 metres to any other fishing pair
- You can only fish in locations within a fishing area map which we provide – a copy of which is available by clicking this link here.
- The partner drawn out of the bag first, may choose the locations for fishing during the first half of the match, at 1pm the partner drawn second from the bag chooses the locations for fishing within the approved area map.
- Each angler may only fish with one rod at a time. (although they may carry as many rods as they wish)