We are holding an Irwell Fish In – on Saturday the 14th March (just before the season ends) and you’re welcome to take part.
Its not a match, its a social/fishing event where you can go anywhere you like on the Irwell system and fish – just do you own thing. The event is free to enter.
This is how it works
Come and sign on to the event in the morning, 8am onwards (you can start at any time) and then go anywhere you like on the Irwell and fish, lure, ledger, float, fly (for pike and chub).
We are putting up a gazebo where tea, coffee, beer and hard liquor will be available all day. In the area around the gazebo there will be anglers giving demonstrations of stick float fishing, ledgering and also giving fly casting help and advice. If you’re not really sure how to fish river, don’t be put off, as we will be giving rig advice, and advice on swim choice.
At the end of your fishing day – whether thats 11am or 6pm – we ask you to come back to the main gazebo for a bit of a social, and to fill in a catch return for the day giving us details of your catch.
There is no need to book onto this event in advance. Car parking available next to the river where the main event gazebo will be located. See point A on the map below.
Everyone welcome – we look forwards to seeing you. Nearest post code for non map readers m7 3AP