Drinkwater Park – Winter Litter Pick

Many thanks to the 13 hardy souls who turned out this morning to take part in our Annual Winter Litter Pick at Drinkwater Park Lake.

SFAS members braved the gales, driving rain and hail, in fact we braved everything short of a blizzard. We must be mad.

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Despite the adverse conditions – we managed to fill a record 50 bin bags of rubbish – more than doubling the previous record number of 20 bags.

We did of course find all the usual suspects, drinks cans, water and energy drinks bottles etc. This years special finds included a paddling pool, tent and a Claude Butler mountain bike. Oh yes – also a pair of leopard skin knickers – we’ve kept those so if the angler who lost them would like to claim them back – just leave a message on our facebook site.

One thing which we all noted, was the distinct lack of fishing litter. Very little fishing line, hook packets, dead bait bags etc. It did make us wonder if anglers are getting a bit more blame for litter than we deserve.

So many many thanks to Mick Doddy and family Kasey and Tiffany (pic below), Piotr, Grzegorz, Phil and Phil, Lee, Paul, Mark, Derek and Peter for giving up your time this morning. Your efforts are much appreciated.

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Special thanks to Kasey and Tiffany your dad told us that you thought our clean up was much better than playing computer games. We all know that fishermen tell tales…………but thanks all the same.


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