It’s voting time again – please click this link to the Salford Council Recycle and Reward Scheme and vote for Salford Friendly Anglers Society.
If we get enough votes – then we can get £1,000 to purchase fish for the Old River in Irlam
Salford Friendly Anglers Society
The Worlds Oldest Angling Club - founded 1817
It’s voting time again – please click this link to the Salford Council Recycle and Reward Scheme and vote for Salford Friendly Anglers Society.
If we get enough votes – then we can get £1,000 to purchase fish for the Old River in Irlam
For anyone who is interested – today is the last day of the trout fishing season for this year – trout fishing starts again on the 15th March next year.
The reason for a trout close season exists- is to allow the fish to spawn in peace – and for the eggs and alevins to hatch and develop undisturbed by anglers feet.
A gentle reminder to all our members that we consider the River Irwell above Bury to be a trout fishery, the River Roch to be a trout fishery, the River Irk to be a trout fishery (yes we do!) and the Bolton rivers above the confluence of the Irwell to be trout fisheries.
Please refrain from fishing these waters during the trout close season – as there are plenty of other places to fish with bait and lures where you are much more likely to catch your target species coarse fish than the locations mentioned above.
Thank you for your cooperation
27 anglers took part – on a sunshine bathed Salford Quays
Nearly everyone caught fish – with the winner being decided on the total length of fish caught
1st place Steven Wilson 553 cm (18ft 2 inches)
2nd place Matus Strohner 470 cm (15ft 5 inches)
3rd place Cosmin Antonie 420 cm (13ft 9 inches)
4th place Dragos Dumitrescu 283 cm (9 ft 3 inches)
5th place Craig Evans 280 cm (9 ft 2 inches)
6th place Branislav Kosak 197 cm (6ft 6 inches)
7th place Alexander Takacs 194 cm (6ft 4 inches)
7th place Maciej Szuchmilski 194 cm (6ft 4 inches)
9th place Mindaugas Petrikas 187 cm (6ft 2 inches)
10th place Craig Gilbert 180 cm (6 ft ) – awesome thats SIX FEET of fish !! as tall as me in perch – well done Craig !!
10th place Gregorz Pawlak 180 cm (6ft )
A great effort from everyone concerned – and a great social event both before and after the competition
Many thanks to our event sponsors
I will add more photos below as people send them in to me
The Old River – the fishing enigma
10 anglers fished – the weather was perfect – the fishing wasn’t
Congratulations to
1st Alan Baguley 1lb 4oz (1 big eel 2 small roach on red maggot)
2nd Karl Tucker 1lb 3oz (20+ small roach on maggot up in the water)
Most other anglers caught a few small fish for a couple of ounces with only a few (including mine) dry nets.
Where are the tench that we stocked ??? Where are the skimmers we saw spawning earlier this year ?? Where are the bigger roach ??
The Old River throws up lots of questions but gives few answers……..
An eagerly anticipated evening match fished from 6 until 9pm.
10 anglers fished – nearly all using rod and line (slider or tip)
But the weather was against us = strong wind and driving rain made fishing difficult – and weights were lower than expected.
1st place Karl Tucker 1lb 6oz (a single perch caught down the edge on maggot)
2nd place Darren Smith 1lb 2oz (4 perch on the slider / worm)
3rd place Derek Kenyon 4oz
The fish were there though and a few anglers had hard luck stories of missed big fish….
We will be holding more matches on the Quays this year – so watch out for updates to the match calendar
We will let everyone know when the fish delivery takes place so that anyone interested can see them being released……..
Salford Council run a funding scheme called recycle and reward – where the general public can vote for good causes in Salford to receive £1000 to spend on a community project
We would like you to vote for us by clicking this link
If we get enough votes to win – we will spend the £1000 buying carp to help restock Salford Quays
Rain in the 24 hours preceding the match led to the river being up a foot, coloured and really pushing through – certainly not ideal conditions
8 anglers braved the conditions – but only one angler landed a fish
Congratulations to Dennis Mulcahy for landing the only fish of the night a 1.5lb chub – caught using maggot feeder tactics
Well done to all other competitors for sticking it out – and commiserations to those who bumped off good fish (it could have been so different !!)
We are going to hold some Wednesday evening fishing matches (its been a while).
In the true spirit of Salford Friendly Matches – you can feed your peg as soon as you have drawn, help and advice is given to any angler who might be a beginner – and serious verbal abuse given to those who claim excellence but don’t display any.
All matches draw at 5.30pm
Fish from 6pm to dusk
£3 to enter
13th July – Rochdale Canal – Piccadilly Basin, Manchester – M1 2HG
27th July – River Irwell – Mocha Parade, Salford – M7 1RE
3rd August – Waterdale – CANCELLED
10th August – Salford Quays – Ontario Quay – park at the Beefeater, Salford Quays – M50 3SQ
17th August – Old River Irwell – Ferry Lane, Irlam M44 6DN
To book on matches please email
We were recently awarded a grant of £750 from Salford Fund 4 Good to help us re-stock Agecroft Pond (situated behind Forest Bank Prison)
With our grant money we purchased hundreds of small crucian carp – which well go on to breed soon and create a permanent population of crucians in the lake.
Great news, as it adds another species of fish to a lake which was created in 2000 by the construction of the prison.
Here are some pics from the day.
One of our club waters Agecroft Pond has been off most anglers radar for a while now. I think that might change !!
Located behind Forest Bank Prison, is a small lake tucked away, and only has half a dozen pegs.
During most of 2015, anglers were denied access to the lake as United Utilities and the Forestry Commission were conducting works nearby. A result of this work was that a new access road was constructed to take the heavy machinery needed to complete their works. Great News – a new access road.
In addition to the new access road to facilitate the construction of a new sewage pumping station, the Prison has also undertaken building works – resulting in section 106 monies (community improvement cash !) being payable to Salford Council – the conditions attached to this money was that it had to be spent near the Prison…. Now there are not that many community facilities/areas near the prison – so the money was spent on Agecroft Cemetry improvement works – and also on creating disabled fishing facilities on Agecroft Pond
These pics show the pond un-improved – and then with the new pegs. The new pegs are a bit in your face at the moment – but should a lot better with a soon to be applied tin of green hammerite paint.
So – now we have a pond with a new road, a car park, new benches and new pegs. Brilliant.
18 months ago we stocked 1000 roach into Agecroft Pond – courtesy of the Forestry Commission.
Yesterday we secured a grant from the Salford Community Volunteer Service to restock 200 small carp into the lake.
Phil Clayton played a blinder answering the questions from a committee of 9 non fishers – and we came back home last night with a cheque for £750 – which was originally fund raised by people in Salford who wanted to make community improvements in our area.
And here are our new disability friendly pegs
Now we are looking forwards to a re-stocking of carp next week – and seeing the place take off as an angling venue.
Roach Rudd Perch Pike, the odd small chub, now crucians and small mirrors …. a great place to get some peace and quiet and a few fish too
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